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Scatter Brain

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It's a Wrap, January!

If there's one thing I could point out about this month, it's change. Last weekend, I noticed that the sun no longer sets at 4:30-ish, meaning winter in this part of the US is coming to an end. A friend of ours pointed out that the end of winter season meant skipping spring, thus heading straight to summer season here in California, and I couldn't agree more.

I'm really going to miss the cooler weather.


So, onto the things that transpired this month:

  • Roan and I kicked off the new year with a bang! Just kidding. We stayed home, ordered pizza, and watched Netflix all day. I wouldn't have traded it for the world! 
  • We went to the San Diego International Auto Show, which was held at the San Diego Convention Center. I've been going to auto shows even prior to moving here to the US. My brother has a strong affinity with cars, so we always go to the one held in Manila every year. Going with Roan this year made me think how much my brothers would've enjoyed the event, too.
  • We visited our friends in LA—JanRon, and their newborn, Adler—and ended up spending the night at their home. We all witnessed how the Seattle Seahawks failed to make it to the Superbowl this year, but it was still nice to have hung out with them again. Talking with friends is good for the soul!
  • Roan and I celebrated his 30th birthday dinner at Seasons 52 in La Jolla. Out of all the things he wanted, I finally bought him a ukulele. Roan has this fascination of playing a ukulele while riding a boat in a lake, so it's my goal to make it happen. Did I mention that I loved playing the ukulele more than the guitar?
  • I finally submitted my petition to remove my conditional resident status. So far, all I got back from USCIS is a notification that they're extending my conditional resident status for another year. I'm quite surprised I heard back from them in just less than a week!
  • I binge-watched Gilmore Girls on days when I worked from home. Why am I only getting into this now?
  • Oh, and last, but certainly not the least, I finished a book! That's one of 12 books checked off of my 2017 Reading Challenge!


The Year That Was: My 2016 Year-Ender
Coldplay: Every Teardrop is a Waterfall
Travel Diary: Valley of Fire State Park

I meant to publish two more blog posts this month, but I couldn't bring myself to do so after all that's been happening in this country. I know I'm not [yet] a citizen, but I'm just as affected as every human being about the madness that is President Trump's recent executive order. I'm an immigrant, and though I came from the Philippines, it doesn't change the fact that I am, indeed, an immigrant

I've been reading a lot about these things, trying to understand what's going on because since President Trump's inauguration, I made it an ultimate mission to eventually become a naturalized American citizen, and make things right for the future generation. It only makes sense to get involved one way or another, right?


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